Saturday, March 9, 2013


I borrowed an interesting little book from the university library, Sufism:  A Global History, by Nile Green.  Only 263 pages including index and notes it is giving me some much needed depth on the Sufis of Islam [I have not yet finished reading].  But something else is happening.  I read a review prior to borrowing the book, where the reviewers said Nile Green manages to give you an overview of the history of Islam itself - at least from the 9th century onward in the course of this study.

At the same time, I am attending in virtual form a lecture from iTunes University and Oxford University on my iPad while on kitchen duties.  This one is a talk by Dan Robinson on Kant - called 'What is Kant's "project".  I have had a side interest in Philosophy for many years, and a regret I never studied this discipline formally as an undergraduate.  I mention this lecture series because it too, while focussed on one philosopher, is providing me with the philosophical context within which Kant produced his Critique of Pure Reason.  I am 2/3 of the way through the first lecture in the series, and I have had good summaries of David Hume and Thomas Reid.

Nuggets of gold contained in a rich river where one does not discard any part.

Sufism: A Global History by Nile Green

For those who do not have access to iTunes U, here is the web podcast - for no reason I can ascertain, they are not in order, so you must scroll down to find lecture 1/8

Dan Robinson, 'Just what is Kant's 'Project"'

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